4th Grade

What We Are Learning: March 2025


In 4th grade reading, we will keep learning about different types of stories, both fiction and nonfiction. Students will practice reading and taking notes on these texts and will answer questions that are similar to those on the state ELA test.


Students will research and write about how animals adapt to live in their environments. If they have enough time, they can include nonfiction features like labeled diagrams, tables of contents, and glossaries in their projects. We will also practice writing paragraphs and essays to respond to the texts we read, which will help us prepare for the ELA state test. 

🧮 MATH 🧮

We will finish our lessons on fractions. This means learning how to find equivalent fractions, add and subtract fractions (both with the same and different denominators), and multiply fractions by whole numbers. We will represent fractions using visual tools like number lines and fraction bars. After that, we will start learning about geometry, which includes classifying shapes and measuring angles. We will also practice skills for the math state test.


Students will continue to learn about what happened in the area now called the United States when the Americas, Europe, and Africa came together through migration a long time ago. Our trips to the African Burial Ground and Colonial Dames will help us learn more through discussions, looking at artifacts, and hands-on activities.