Technology Class

Dear Families and Students,

At the Children's Lab School, we use technology to help you get ready for your future education and careers. Technology is always changing, so it's important to be prepared to succeed in this kind of world. In technology class, you will learn to think critically and computationally by gathering information, analyzing your thoughts, and sharing your ideas.

In technology class, we will teach you lots of important skills and programs. Our goal is to help you become empowered learners who can take an active part in learning and show what you know. You will also learn how to be responsible digital citizens by recognizing the rights, responsibilities, and opportunities of living and learning in a digital world. Using many digital tools will help you build knowledge and you will learn how to be problem-solvers that use technology to find creative solutions.

If you have any questions about our technology program, your child’s Google Classroom account (, your NYC Schools account, or your Remind account, please feel free to email or text me.


Shira Moskovitz (

Technology Teacher

2021-2022 Student Work

2022-2023 Schedule